Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Yoga is a combined practice of Physical, Mental and Spiritual practices together which originated from Ancient India. Practising Yoga gives a lot of advantage both physically and mentally. For those who can afford time to attend Yoga classes, can easily feel the difference. In this modern world, time factor, stress factor due to work and other issues take a heavy toll on individuals. By practising Yoga and Simple Breathing Techniques we can handle any tough situations easily with a relaxed mind and body.
Complex Yoga should be done under Supervision of Yoga masters. Here, I am sharing simple Yoga postures and Breathing techniques that can be done easily at home. People with CARDIO VASCULAR PROBLEMS & CHRONIC/ACUTE ailments, pregnant women, people who have undergone surgeries need to avoid these and can get consent of their Doctors before doing. 



  •          Helps to stretch and open  the hips
  •          Removes stiffness from knee joints.
  •          Improves posture ( to sit straight without bending)
  •        A work out for the entire body especially the abdominal region stimulating digestion


1.    Sit erect on a floor with both legs straightened.
2.    Bend the right leg and position it near the left thigh.
3.    Bend the left leg and position it on the right thigh.
4.    Close the eyes and place the palms on thighs in Prithvi Mudra.
5.    Now start to Inhale and slowly exhale.
6.    Repeat this for 5 to 10 times

  People suffering from hip or knee problems should avoid this asana


  •          It works on thighs, legs, hips, back, knees and ankle
  •         It strengthens stomach, liver and uterus
  •          Cures stomach disorders, constipation and acidity
  •          Those having gastric problems can practice after food and get relief
  •         Cures Urinary problems and helps to reduce obesity
  •        Calms the mind and get rid of back problems

1.    Sit on floor erect and fold the legs as shown in the above picture.
2.    Close the eyes, keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on the left knee in Prithvi Mudra.
3.    Now start to inhale and slowly exhale.
4.    Repeat this for 5 to 10 times.
5.    At first, you may find this pose difficult since you might feel pain on your foot and legs. Revert to normal and try again.
6.    You will find easy and be able to sit for long time by practising again and again. 

 Persons suffering from joint pains should do practise this asana
Only asana that can be done after taking food.

Prithvi Mudra / Mudra of Earth
     When the tip of the thumb finger and ring finger touches each other, with other fingers held straight, it is Prithvi Mudra.

1.      Regular practice of this Mudra is helpful to get rid of obesity
2.      It improves the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the deficiency of vitamins
3.      It gives energy and lustre to the body