Friday, October 7, 2016


 Nila vembu kashayam is a Siddha medicine very helpful in preventing all types of Viral infections/fevers especially Dengu and Chikunguniya. It protects the body and boost immunity which helps to prevent the infections. It reduces toxins in the body and improves digestive health, liver functioning and to get rid of fever and its symptoms, what ever may be the cause for fever. It helps in the OVERALL  HEALTH maintenance of the whole body.

Nila Vembu powder - 1 tsp
Water -200ml

1. Heat 100ml of water in a pan and add nila vembu powder. Allow to boil for 10 minutes.
2. Stir occasionally, and let it reduce to half the quantity. Close the lid of the pan.
3. After it cools down, filter it.
4. Nila vembu kashayam is ready.

Honey or Palm sugar can be added to enhance taste, since children might not like the bitter taste.
This can be consumed once in a week and during rainy days twice a week.

Adults - 20 ml
Children  7 - 12 years - 15ml

Nila vembu Powder is available in all Medical shops and Super markets. It contains the following ingredients
1.Nila vembu /Neem
2. Pepper
3. Sukku
4. Korai Kizhangu
5. Vettiver
6. Vilamichai ver
7. Sandhanam etc

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