Thursday, July 26, 2018


This is one of the popular soup which we always cherish when we go to any restaurant. Consistency may vary from place to place. Adding sweetness is up to individual taste. Here, I have added rusk bits instead of roasted bread pieces. Fresh cream can be added for rich taste.

Tomato - 3
Small onion - 6
Garlic cloves - 3
Ginger - small piece
Bay leaf - 1
Coriander leaves - little
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Corn flour - 1 tsp
Rusk bits - 10 to 15 
Butter - 1 tsp
Sugar/ Brown sugar - 1 tsp
Salt - as desired

1. Pressure cook tomato, small onion, ginger, garlic, coriander leaves and bay leaf adding a cup of water.
2. After the pressure settles down, discard the bay leaf, add to a mixer and grind along with the water used for cooking. 

3. Add little water if needed and strain the tomato mixture so that the texture of the soup will remain smooth. Discard the residue.
4. In a tawa, add butter and add the tomato puree and allow to boil.
5. Mix water to corn flour and add to the tomato mixture.

6. Adjust consistency accordingly, add pepper powder, sugar, mix well and switch of the flame.
7. Transfer to the serving bowl and add rusk pieces.
8. Tasty TOMATO SOUP is ready.

  • Add rusk/bread pieces only while serving.
  • Tawa roast bread pieces in ghee or oil before adding.
  • If the soup becomes cool, warm a while before adding rusk pieces.

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