Monday, June 14, 2021


Carrot along with Yellow Pumpkin Soup is packed with nutrients.

 CARROTS are loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene. It strengthens our bones. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health. We almost stay indoors in this pandemic period. We need to support our health with  required nourishment to stay fit and fine.

Likewise, Yellow Pumpkins are enriched in beta carotene, and it contains other nutrients like  vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and folate -- all of which strengthens the immune system (MUCH NEEDED DURING THIS COVID pandemic). More pumpkin in our diet, can help our immune cells to 💪work better to ward off germs. 

Finally, these two veggies were used to make this Healthy Soup.

Ingredients Required:-

Pumpkin - 1/4 cup
Carrot - 2 small size
Tomato - 2 small
Garlic - 3 
Ginger - 1/2 inch
Shallots/ small onion - 4
Pepper- 10 nos
Cumin - 1/2 tsp
Carrom seeds/ Omam- a pinch


1.  Add all ingredients along with a cup of water and pressure cook for 3 whistles on high flame.
2.  Allow to cool.
3.  Add to a mixer and grind to smooth paste.
4.  Add butter to a pan, add paste allow to boil after adjusting to required consistency.
5.  Add salt, sugar
6. Add little pepper powder
7. Garnish with coriander
8. Healthy Appetizers/ Soup is ready...

To watch the video of Carrot Yellow Pumpkin Soup recipe, Click the following link:- 

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