Sunday, October 2, 2016



Plain Biscuits --- 2 cups (any variety, but not salt)

Sugar -- 2 spoons

Lukewarm milk --- as required

Fruit salt -- 1/4 tsp


Salt -- 1/2 cup
Any aluminium kadai or idli pot,
a plate
a bowl
Ghee for Greasing


In this receipe I used Aluminium Idli pot .

Grease a bowl with ghee and keep it aside.

Heat salt (1/2 cup) in the idli pot, cover with the lid, for 5 mins in medium flame or till the batter is ready.

In a mixer, grind bisuits and sugar to a fine powder and transfer to a bowl. Add lukewarm milk to the powder, and make a paste. { Note:- In this stage, cashew badam bits, or choco chips can be added.}

Inside the idli pot, place a small plate above the salt.

Place the Greased bowl above the plate.

Cover with the lid.

Keep it in medium for 10 mins, 20 mins in low flame.
Insert a clean knife to check whether it is cooked or not.
Switch off and let it sit on the burner for 10 mins.

Remove the bowl.
When it completely cools down, using knife, remove the edges of the cake from the vessel and tilt it on a plate.

Biscuit cake is ready to serve...

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