Sunday, October 21, 2018


Bombay Halwa/ Karachi Halwa is done using Corn flour/Corn Starch along with Sugar. Instead of adding artificial food colour, sugar has been caramelised to get a tinge of colour since corn flour is white in colour. Even Saffron can be added to get a tinge of yellow colour. There is no string consistency for sugar syrup, but this recipe needs stirring and mixing for atleast 20 to 25 minutes to get the required result. So, there should be no interruption while we are into this recipe. 

Corn flour has the tendency to get thicker in quick time, so it has to be continuously stirred. Lemon juice is added to prevent crystallization. The recipe is really soft and melts in mouth. Almonds and nuts of desired choice can be used for garnishing. Here, Cashews have been used. See blog for

Video recipe of Corn Halwa/ Bombay Halwa

Corn flour - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Water - 1 cup for dissolving sugar
Ghee - 3 tsp
Lemon Juice - 1/4 tsp
Cardamom Powder - 1/4 tsp

* Water - 3/4 cup for dissolving Corn flour
* Sugar - 1 tsp for Caramelisation


  • In a bowl, add corn flour and water, mix well without lumps.
  • In a tawa, add a tsp of sugar.
  • Saute well for 2 to 3 minutes for it to caramelise.
  • Light brown starts to appear.
  • Add 3/4 cup sugar and 1 cup of water to the same tawa and allow to boil.
  • The caramelised sugar will get blended together while boiling.
  • When it starts boiling, mix the corn flour mixture and add to the syrup.
  • Keep on stirring to avoid lumps.
  • Add lemon juice and keep on stirring.
  • The mixture will start to thicken.
  • Add a tsp of ghee and keep on mixing.
  • The mixture will become transparent, add ghee and mix again.
  • Add ghee at regular intervals till it turns glossy.
  • It will take 20 minutes approximately to reach the consistency.
  • Add cardamom powder and mix again.
  • Add chopped cashews and mix well.
  • After some more minutes, the halwa starts to come together and ghee releases.
  • Transfer to a grease tray/plate and level it.
  • Garnish with chopped Cashews and level with a spoon.
  • Cool for an hour and cut as desired.
  • Soft and melting Bombay Halwa/ Corn flour Halwa is ready.

Step wise recipe with pictures:
1. In a bowl, add corn flour and water, mix well without lumps.

2. In a tawa, add a tsp of sugar.
3. Saute well for 2 to 3 minutes for it to caramelise.

4. Light brown starts to appear.

5. Add 3/4 cup sugar and 1 cup of water to the same tawa and allow to boil.

6. The caramelised sugar will get blended together while boiling.

7. When it starts boiling, mix the corn flour mixture and add to the syrup.
8. Keep on stirring to avoid lumps.

9. Add lemon juice and keep on stirring.
10. The mixture will start to thicken.

11. Add a tsp of ghee and keep on mixing.
12. The mixture will become transparent, add ghee and mix again.
13. Add ghee at regular intervals till it turns glossy.
14. It will take 20 minutes approximately to reach the consistency.

15. Add cardamom powder and mix again.

16. Add chopped cashews and mix well.

17. After some more minutes, the halwa starts to come together and ghee releases.
18. Transfer to a grease tray/plate and level it.

19. Garnish with chopped Cashews and level with a spoon.
20. Cool for an hour and cut as desired.
21. Soft and melting Bombay Halwa/ Corn flour Halwa is ready.

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