Friday, November 18, 2016

TIPS:- Remedy for Cough and Cold...( for children aged 2 and above)

The following are the some of the methods that I follow for my kids, when they suffer from Cough, Cold and Running nose. Avoid using regular Sugar. Palm sugar is good for health.


Ajwain Seeds, acts as an Expectorant.

Cumin Seeds, rich in Vitamin A &  Vitamin C. It improves digestion and immunity.

Honey contains flavonoids & antioxidants. It acts as a cough suppressant.

Palm  Sugar cures sore throat.

Black-pepper ( or Milagu in Tamil) often referred as "King Of Spices". It is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine to respiratory congestion, helping to expectorate and dry up mucus membranes.

Turmeric Powder, rich in Curcumin . It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.

(1) Honey water:-

Honey = 1 tsp
Warm water = 5 ml

In a small cup, take a tsp of honey, add 5 ml warm water and mix it.
Prepare this honey water, when needed. It improves bowel movement. So it is advised to try once a day and increase later.

Dosage = Three times , Morning- Noon-Evening.

(2) Ajwain- Cumin Water:- 

Ajwain Seeds/Omam = 1 tsp
Cumin / Jeeragam = 1 tsp
Water = 100 ml (1 cup )
Palm Sugar = 1 & half tsp
Boiled Milk = 75 ml

Boil the water in a pan and add Ajwain seeds ( or Omam in Tamil ) & cumin together. Add palm sugar to it. When the water starts boiling in rolling condition, Cover with lid and let it boil for 10 mins in low flame. When the water reaches room temperature, filter it, and mix with a cup of boiled milk. Prepare this Ajwain-Cumin water, when needed.
Dosage:- Preferably morning and evening.

(3) Turmeric-Black pepper water:- 
Turmeric powder = 1/4 tsp
Black pepper powder = 1/4 tsp
Boiled Milk = 100 ml
Palm Sugar = 1 tsp
Water = 50 ml

Boil the water and add turmeric powder, black pepper powder, palm sugar, cover with lid and let it boil for 5 mins in low flame. When it reaches room temperature, mix it with milk. 

Dosage:- Once , Preferably night.

(4) Ginger- Honey Kashayam/Syrup:-
Grated Ginger = 2 tsp
Water = 100 ml
Honey = 2 tsp

Boil water in a pan and add grated ginger. When the water starts boiling in rolling condition, cover it with lid and let it boil in sim/low for 10 mins. When the water reaches room temperature, filter it, and mix it with honey. It can be taken immediately. 

Dosage :- Once a day
30 ml for adults, 20 ml for Children aged 6 & above, 10 to 15 ml for kids aged 2 to 6.

(5) Ajwain leaves-Cumin seeds-Palm Sugar Kashayam /Syrup:-

Ajwain leaves = 15 leaves
Cumin Seeds = 1 tsp
Palm Sugar = 2 tsp
Water = 100 ml

In a mixer, using little water, Grind the ajwain leaves to a fine paste. Remove this paste from the jar.

Boil water in a sauce pan, add cumin seeds, palm sugar and ajwain leaves paste. Cover it with lid and allow it to boil for  7  to 10 mins. When it reaches room temperature, it can be taken immediately. 

Dosage :- 20 ml for Children aged 6 & above, 10 to 15 ml for kids aged 2 to 6.
Adults can have the raw leaves as it is.

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