Saturday, August 27, 2016


            Red Aval or Poha – 200 g
            Onion - 2
            Red chillies – 2
            Curry leaves
            Mustard – ½ ts
            Urad dhall – 1 ts
            Cumin or Jeera – ½ ts
            Butter milk – 50ml
            Oil – 1 ts        


            Wash Poha 2 or 3 times so that the sand particles are washed off. Soak poha in butter milk, add water if needed  and add required salt. See that the poha is well immersed in water. There are two varieties of poha. The thicker one needs to be soaked as said above for 1 hour. The thinner one doesn’t need to be soaked and can be cooked directly after washing it, otherwise it will become mushy.

            Heat oil in a pan and add mustard, urad dhall and cumin seeds. After it gets roasted add red chillies and onions. Saute till onion turns golden brown. Add the soaked poha and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Add coriander leaves if needed.           This best side dish for this uppuma is Pea nut Chutney. Poha or Beaten rice  is available in red or white.


            We can keep iron deficiency at bay if we consider eating poha everyday as our breakfast. This item can also be consumed by pregnant women and children too. Iron is an important mineral as it plays a role in maintaining hemoglobin levels. This is one of the nutritional benefits of poha. It is also rich in fibre

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