Monday, September 19, 2016

Benefits of Breathing exercises

When we learn to take deep, slow breaths, our body show positive reactions
  • It makes the Heart stronger
  • Helps to detoxify toxins from body
  • It strengthens lungs and nervous system
  • It removes carbon-di-oxide from blood and increases oxygen, thus improving blood quality
  •  Strengthens Immune system and posture
  • Prevents mood swings  and stress
  • Helps digestion and assists in cellular regeneration
  • Improves sleep


1. Choose a place to sit comfortably and quietly with hands on  knees and shoulders relaxed.
2. Doing breathing in the morning in empty stomach will be fine. If there is no time in the morning, there should be at least 3 hours gap after having food.
3. First, we have to begin with EXHALING as the lungs needs to be emptied before INHALING.
4. Close the eyes and sit straight.
4.INHALE in through your nose slowly.
5. EXHALE slowly through your nose for 5 seconds.
6. We can feel the movement of abdominal muscles.
7. At the end of the breath pause for 2 seconds and repeat the INHALING and EXHALING process.
8. Close the eyes and repeat the process for 5 to 10 times.
9. As we get used to, the number of cycles can be increased.
10. It is preferable to do alteast for 5 minutes a day.


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