Monday, September 19, 2016

How to maintain a Pressure cooker ?

1. While Pressure cooking dhal or rice,  1/4 lemon slice can be used with the water at the bottom of the cooker. This helps to avoid the salty layer that forms while using the cooker and the cooker will always look clean. A piece of Tamarind can also be used for this purpose.

2. Always having a screw driver in a kitchen will be of immense help always. We should see to that all the screws of the pressure cooker bottom and top are always tight at least once in a week. This will help to avoid unnecessary problems due to loosening of screws.

3. Always check the rubber gasket to see whether it is ripped or cracked. It is better to replace once in a year or according to the usage.

4.Use adequate quantity of water, since the steam that comes out help in proper cooking. At least, 1/2 cup is needed.

5. The valve should be checked thoroughly before placing the weight for any block. While pressure cooking frothing items like dhal, the valve may get blocked. Use a toothpick or a pin to clear the block. To make sure that there is no block, blow with your mouth. Then the lid can be washed before using. Any block may lead to explosion of the cooker at times.

6. The safety valve should be checked annually and can be replaced by a new one if it is damaged.

7. Always allow the pressure to be released before opening a cooker.

8. If there is need to open the cooker urgently, place the cooker under running water for few minutes. The pressure will be released off quickly and the cooker can be opened safely.

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